Selected artworks / Trabajos seleccionados
You are not here anymore
Moth & Skulls
Obsidian Dreams
Death Moth
Strange things are happening
The Raven and the Moon
Black Moon
The Dynamics of the Woods
About / Sobre el artista
"The impossibility as a rhetorical device is usually presented as an exaggeration of reality, or as an antonym (or parallel) expression to it. The argument of the impossible has been used in the art world since ancient times, and probably since the art itself exists, since our ancestors developed language and other abstract forms to communicate and express. Thanks to these 'skills' we were able to metamorphose reading Kafka and even climb on Dali elephants.
With that idea, Ruyman Gilbert (Caracas, 1982) tacked lines of his own fantasy world, images mainly in black and white, on a different universe, only forest, lianas, vines, roots, fantastic creatures, a bestiary with his personal signature. However, it achieved the impossible seem tangible."
By Carlos Quevedo / Photos: Leon Grauer.
"La imposibilidad como recurso retórico suele presentarse como una exageración de la realidad, o bien como una expresión antónima (o paralela) a ella. El argumento de ese imposible ha sido usado en el mundo del arte desde civilizaciones antiguas; y probablemente desde que el arte en sí existe; desde que nuestros ancestros desarrollaron el lenguaje y otras formas abstractas de comunicar y expresar. Es gracias a estas 'habilidades' que hemos sido capaces de metamorfosearnos leyendo a Kafka y hasta subirnos sobre los elefantes dalilianos.
Con esa idea, Ruyman Gilbert (Caracas, 1982) hilvana líneas de su propio mundo fantástico, imágenes fundamentalmente en blanco y negro, sobre un universo distinto, solo bosque, lianas, enredaderas, raíces, seres fantásticos, un bestiario con su firma personal. Sin embargo, logra que lo imposible parezca tangible."
Por Carlos Quevedo / Fotos: Leon Grauer.
Music / Música
Camaguán (2020)
The Spider Tamer (2021)
I'm Ruyman Gilbert, an independent artist and traditional illustrator based in Santiago, Chile.
My inspiration comes from Nature, mystery, books, old scientific illustrations and fantastic folk tales.
I gladly invite you to my shop, where you can find art prints, original artworks and more interesting stuff.
Thank you.